shipping status.

At Muddy Bites, we believe in making your experience as a customer the best it can be. With that, we like to be honest and transparent about our current shipping status.
Updated: May 17th, 2021
Current order processing:
4-6 days
Meaning, if you place an order today, your order should ship within the days listed above. We ship M-F. Once your order is prepped, it will be delivered via USPS in 3-5 days.
Current shipping order numbers:
#22140 - #22500
Which are just 1-10 days old from when your order was placed. Wahoo, almost caught up!
Current shipping delay:
8-10 days
Meaning, if you place an order today, your order should ship within the next 8-10 days.

More information.

As you may know, due to COVID-19, operations across the country are seeing delays. From shipping, to manufacturing, to food supply, and more. That being said, we're currently experiencing some delays within USPS shipping

During the original wave within the US, our founders decided to close our facility for nearly 90 days as a commitment to our staff, customers, and partners to put everyone’s health and safety above all. After our 90 day shutdown period, we opened back up on June 11th and have been slowly but surely chipping away at ALL open orders that came in during our shut-down. Which was a LOT of orders to be very honest.

And we're happy to say we finally got all caught-up on orders and are able to improve our shipping delay procedures as if we've increased our production line!

The blue box above states our current shipping delay status and will be updated regularly.

As a small business in this unpredictable time, things may happen that could cause a bit longer delay than anticipated but we greatly appreciate your support as we build this truly unique business. We apologize for any inconvenience and once your order does ship, you will receive a confirmation email along with tracking information.

If you have additional questions about your order, this status page, or anything else, please click here and contact our amazing support team. We offer text and email support and will respond to your support ticket typically within an hour or so during business hours.
Jarod, Alex, & Tyler.